
If you or someone you care about is experiencing difficulties in accessing the services and support they need, it might be helpful to consider engaging some independent advocacy service.

DARU- Disability Advocacy Resource Unit

is unique in Australia as a dedicated resource unit funded to work with disability advocacy organisations to promote and protect the rights of people with disability.


Elder Elder Rights Advocacy  promotes and upholds the rights of older people receiving aged care services.

Our vision is to be the key provider of quality aged care advice and advocacy.


Gippsland Disability Advocacy Inc  provides an individual advocacy service to people with a disability, as well as advice when appropriate for carers and family members of people who have a disability.


The Office of the Public Advocate  provides services to protect and promote the rights, interests and dignity of the people with disability (specifically intellectual impairment, mental disorder, brain injury or dementia) living in Victoria.


WIRE  is a free information and referral service for women in Victoria