Illness Specific Resources

There are many organisations set up to support people impacted by specific illnesses. If what you are looking for is not listed, use your search engine and be mindful to look for reputable websites rather than those offering cures or treatment with no scientific evidence. Contact Bass Coast Therapy if you can’t find what you are looking for and we will do our best to help you.

Arthritis Australia

The Brain Foundation is a nationally registered charity dedicated to funding world-class research Australia-wide into neurological disorders, brain disease and brain injuries.

Cancer Australia

Cancer Council Victoria

Crohn’s & Colitis Australia


Diabetes Victoria

Heart Foundation

Hepatits Victoria

Kidney Health Australia

Motor Neurone Disease Victoria

Multiple Sclerosis Society

The Lung Foundation

Parkinsons Disease

Spinal Chord Injury Australia

Stroke Foundation

Vision Australia

Additional health related resources

Advanced Care Planning (ACP) is a routine part of a person’s health care. When a person’s values are discussed openly, their healthcare preferences can be respected at a time when they cannot voice their decisions. Visit our local health service, Bass Coast Health to find more information about Advanced Care Planning. Making an Advanced Care Plan can reduce the burden of decision making during crisis situations and can provide a clearer understanding of your wishes for your family and friends. Above all, Advance Care Planning allows your voice to be heard when you are unable to speak for yourself.


Croakey is a social journalism project that enables debate and investigations of health issues and policy. We connect, collaborate, and evolve.

Donatelife is an Australian Government initiative to help raise awareness, provide information and increase organ and tissue donation across Australia. If you’re looking for information and resources about organ and tissue donation and transplantation, start your search here for some of the great resources we have available.

Good life, good death, good grief is a Scottish based alliance that promote community involvement and raise public awareness in ways of dealing with death, dying and bereavement. The resources section is excellent.


Palliative Care Victoria is the peak body representing palliative care providers, consumers and their families and those with an interest in palliative care in Victoria. They provide many resources and information on palliative care, symptom management and have useful information brochures for people living with a life-threatening illness and their families and carers.


Patient Opinion is about honest and meaningful conversations between patients and health services. We believe that your story can help make health services better.


Powers of Attorney  are legal documents that let someone appoint another person who can make decisions for them or support them to make and give effect to their own decisions. Powers of attorney give choice and control and are recommended for every person over 18 years.


Ranjana Srivastava is an oncologist, award-winning author and columnist for The Guardian. She was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia for her work on doctor-patient communication.

Scar Stories  Through creative initiatives we aim to raise awareness about young adult cancer; raise funds for specialty care for the 18-35 year group; and help these young people come to terms with what most people keep hidden following cancer treatment – the physical scars that remind them of a grim, painful experience – and see them in a new light, one that is empowering and beautiful.


Synapse  seeks to focus both government and public support to realise funding for the development of highly specialist services in the areas of accommodation, education and training for people impacted by brain injury.


Jill Bolte Taylor- My stroke of insight