
The Bouverie Centre  combines clinical family therapy, academic teaching, qualitative and quantitative research, workforce development and community education in one integrated service. Our work focuses on the fundamental role of the family and alternative social networks in the healing process and the power of relationships to foster social, emotional and mental wellbeing.

Family Relationships Australia  provides all families (whether together or separated) with access to information about family relationship issues, ranging from building better relationships to dispute resolution. It also allows families to find out about a range of services that can assist them to manage relationship issues, including agreeing on appropriate arrangements for children after parents separate.

Relationships Australia  is a leading provider of relationship support services for individuals, families and communities. We aim to support all people in Australia to achieve positive and respectful relationships. Our services are for all members of the community, regardless of religious belief, age, gender, sexual orientation, lifestyle choice, cultural background or economic circumstances.

Because it’s for the kids – A guide to parenting post separation